Monday, October 13, 2008

Distinguish Various Similar Sounding Words

On the English test, you may have to choose among statements that contain similar sounding words. Some English words have similar pronunciation. To distinguish similar sounding words you have to listen and study the differences in making the words sound with our organ of speech. Then, you have to think about what will make sense in the sentence.

Here are some English words that have similar sound but they have difference in meaning whilst are in a sentence.

A. Words that sound similar at the beginning
Personal personnel
Magnet magnate
Respectively respectfully
Than then
Devise device

And find some more other words.

B. Words that sound similar at the end
hand brand
cab tab
large charge
pay say
place pace

And find some more other words.

C. Words that sound similar when combined with other words.
(they are) they’re their
(he will) he’ll hill
(we will) we’ll well

To train your students, find some books with best practices on similar sounding words. Reading aloud is very applicable here to train students’ oral language, and listening to reading aloud poetry that rhymes are good ways to practice.

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